

No fucking joke, I watched Spacejam.

Yes Bill Murray is in it!

3)Where the Buffalo Roam
4)Quick Change 
5)Ghostbusters 2  
7)Groundhog Day


Ghostbusters 2

Not as good as the first one, but you already knew that. I did like the additional screen time for Egor but it seemed to come at the expense of Venkman's... why would they do that? He is by far the most interesting character! I would have liked him to have been a bit more of a jerk like the first one though.

3)Where the Buffalo Roam
4)Quick Change 
5)Ghostbusters 2 
7)Groundhog Day


Quick Change, Where the Buffalo Roam

Where the Buffalo Roam
Where the Buffalo Roam is really rather awesome. It was hard for me to watch and not compare his Hunter S. Thompson to Johnny Depp's. I think Bill Murray just has a more natural acting style, opposed to Depp's theatrical, highly stylized method of acting. I think his deadpan delivery lends pretty well to the character, makes him slightly more believable (only borderline ridiculous). I also liked that the movie used fragments of different events over a span of time to explain Thompson's relationship to his attorney and his editors, rather than one epic adventure. I would also say it's more re-watchable. I find Fear and Loathing was really awesome to watch the first time but is grating upon repeat watches.

Quick Change
I am surprised this isn't a more well know film! The first act (the robbery) is just brilliant. Just pure Murray, totally my kind of humour. The rest of the film gave me a giant stomach ache. Randy Quaid's character is an unwatchable disaster. If you like really painful to watch situational humour this one is for you. I did really like it despite being so uncomfortable the whole time at how much goes wrong for the trio.

3)Where the Buffalo Roam
4)Quick Change
6)Groundhog Day

More to come!


Thank you Buffy.


Last night I watched Rushmore with Halen! This is another movie I had not watched for about 10 years, so it was much like watching it for the first time. I do recall that when this movie came out was when I fell in love with Jason Schwartzman. I love that his mannerisms haven't changed in 12 years either. Awesome.

This was also the first Wes Anderson movie I ever saw! I can't wait to watch more during my Bill Murray-a-thon. (I will *try* to space them out so I get a varied view of Mr Murray)

I had the urge to ride bikes, buy a new road bike and smoke cigarettes during this movie. Bill Murray's character taking a smoke and a drink up the diving board was probably why. I kind of loved that.

4)Groundhogs Day


Ghostbusters, Caddyshack and Groundhog Day

Short responses regarding the Bill Murray movies I have watched so far.

Monday December 13th - Ghostbusters
Bill Murray's character in Ghostbusters is just downright amazing. I really don't get what Dana Barret's problem is. I would go on a date with Venkman in a fucking second. The movie is also full of excellent one liners which I have been dropping incessantly all week.
I had not watched Ghostbusters since I was a kid so it was very much like watching it for the first time. I realized I actually have all three of them jumbled up in my brain so I will have to watch the next two during my Bill Murray-a-thon.

Tuesday December 14th - Caddyshack
Bill Murray's character is not funny. However, despite my usual disgust with Rodney Dangerfield I found his character to be a pleasant foil to the judge. His character was the only one who made me chuckle out loud the whole movie. This movie was also about a half an hour too long to keep my interest.

Wednesday December 15th - Groundhog Day
This movie bored me for the first act, I actually got up and made cheddar cheese scones during it. I did find a few moments particularly awesome however. The first time he remembers not to step in the puddle, and watches another man do so is probably the most hilarious and simple moments of the film. I actually laughed heartily for a good moment afterward. I was also especially fond of when he watches jeopardy and knows all the answers... BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT I WOULD DO TOO. This movie also made me think about how fucking dumb groundhogs day is and now I'm curious as to the background behind it, anybody?

In order of preference:
3)Groundhog Day


My latest endeavor

With derby on a little break and school wrapping up for the semester my evenings are beginning to look a little empty. Which is (partially) why I decided to watch a different Bill Murray movie everyday for as long as I can keep it up.

This started on Monday when I watched Ghostbusters. Yesterday I watched Caddyshack and I am about to watch Groundhog Day. Most of these movies I am seeing for the first time in many years and some for the first time ever! I will be a Bill Murray expert in no time.

I will also keep a running tally of how much I liked them, currently:

This scale I think largely reflects the awesomeness of the Bill Murray character in each movie. I'll write about them in a bit more detail later. Right now I have to go watch Groundhog Day!