
shuffle shuffle shuffle

So I've been pretty bored of music lately. I've also pretty much just been listening to the same 2-3 albums for a few months now.

I reset my iPod and I let it "randomly select songs frpm my itunes". I'm listening to it on shuffle and not letting myself flick through songs (because I'll just keep flipping to the next GaGa song).  I haven't discovered any new music by doing this but I have rediscovered some old favourite songs, making my walks to and from work just a little more interesting!

That being said I am taking reccommendations for new music. No electro-rock please, I'm sick of that shit.

Bootcamp was super successful, I am so glad I went. It was a grueling weekend but absolutely worth it. I learned so much, and lot's of neat little skating skills that are really going to up my game play.
Estro Jen is such a great teacher. She really understood how to teach things in steps and the mechanics behind the moves. My stops are much more effective now, and I'll be perfecting my power slides, hockey stops and one foot transitions over the next couple of weeks so I can pull them out at the Eves game.
Speaking of which:
In case you can't tell, I'm the poster girl on this one. Very fun!! Very hard not to giggle though while Buffy  is telling me to look meaner. Muah hahah.

Back to bootcamp:
I played in the Co-Ed game on Friday. Totally fun, love beating up boys. They don't have as much give when you hit them though, my back hurts from what felt like skating into brick walls!
Saturday I was selected for the All-Star game, SOOO much fun!! I have to admit a lot of the fun was with winning (by about 30 points if memory serves me) and being picked as my teams MVP :D. (Cheeky was picked as best jammer for her team, making two of the six girls being recognized from E-Ville, not too mention 3 other girls from our league playing the game). Great night for E-Ville!!

Admittedly, I was so sore on Sunday that I left right after lunch. The thought of squatting for 15 minutes in Tyler's class was UNBEARABLE.  I hope we bring him in on our own sometime though because I'm sure he has some very valuable skills to offer us. I know one of the things I need to work on is getting low and I hear that's his specialty, haha.


Skatetown! Pizza Faces! Long Weekend!

I just realized exactly how much skating I will be doing this week.
I had travel team practice last night, league practice tonight...and then all day tomorrow, co-ed game tomorrow night, all day Saturday, game Saturday night and all day Sunday.
Yikes! This is going to be awesome!

But I am glad Monday is a holiday because I am going to be pretty fucking stiff by the end of this!

There is an acne clinic in the same building as me here as the hospital. It's on the 2nd floor which has the most traffic because it is connected to the rest of the hospitals by pedway. People are always sitting out in the lobby with cream on their face and shower caps on. I feel pretty embarrassed for them! Why don't they have a room or something for these people to wait in? They have to sit in front of Booster Juice while everyone stares at them. AWKWARD.


Valhalla, I am coming!

Slowly, the stomach ache I had all semester has been going away. All the spare time I figured I would have when the semester was over hasn't arrived yet though. I suppose that will happen when the roller derby season ends in July.

Not that I don't love playing so much, and want to be the best. I just miss my friends/family. Between working until 5 Monday-Friday, practicing 3 evenings a week, off-skates training 1 evening and 1 afternoon a week, team meetings, committee meetings, fundraisers, blah blah, etc, complain, I have very little time to see people who I don't skate with or work with. I pretty much have to skip something every time I want to go out with friends.

That's not to say that I am not extremely excited to be attending my first multi-day skating bootcamp this weekend, or playing the Eves of Destruction from Victoria two weeks after that. BECAUSE I REALLY AM. There are few things I enjoy more than playing derby. Actually there probably isn't anything I enjoy more. If only I could capitalize on playing the derb...

Saturday's championship bout was probably my last one as a Los Pistolita. WEIRD. I've been an LP since before I was actually an LP. I went to their meetings before I was even placed on the team. However...  I volunteered for the fourth team. This is not to say I will 100% be on this team but I think it's pretty safe to say I will be. I am looking forward to a fresh start and an opportunity to get to know some girls I haven't skated with much in the past.

One of the most exciting things about volunteering for the fourth team is creating a theme, team name and logo!! I have been pumping some girls up on the idea of a VIKING THEMED TEAM!!! I have some back up ideas in case I get shut down but I think I have a good number of girls stoked on the idea. We can be the "Daughters of Odin" and our theme song will be Led Zeppelin's the Immigrant Song. We will wear furry boot covers and our team cheer will be "FOR ASGARDR!!". Please let me have a mother fucking viking team, universe.


Movie Review

I went to see Kick ass the other night. If I had to describe it in two words they would be "ridiculously awesome". However, if I had to describe it one word it would be "ridiculous".

So so so ridiculous.


So Tyler and I have been in our new place for a few weeks now.

It's pretty fucking awesome. I'll never be able to live without an awesome view and like 4 extra closets ever again.

Last night we went on an adventure in our new front yard, the river valley. I ended up with mud all over my pants which is a clear indicator of a pretty great adventure. I also climbed on monkey bars and hung upside and did upside down sit ups. We walked up and down a million stairs. My ankles are sore today.

I've been catching up on my comic book reading since classes ended. I started reading Fables which is sooooo good. It might be my new favourite. If it had as much violence and T&A as the Boys it would for sure be my new favourite.

We'll have our internet set up on the 12th!! Yay! No internet is the worst. I can't even check the whether before I decide what to wear in the morning.


Almost on a boat...

I've just joined  Empire Avenue, which seems like a fun interesting way to kill more time at work!
EAVB_BBJGRGDDXCWe had a game in Toronto last weekend, so much fun! Went to my first major league baseball game, and the Blue Jays actually won!
I also got kicked off a boat (the Captain Matthew Flinders), went to a party full of girls in their underpants, spent too much money and WE WON OUR GAME!!