
People are really gross.

Man some people are so lazy and gross.

2 museum stories from today.

A woman just came (walked) in to the museum and asked for one of our complimentary wheelchairs. There was nothing wrong with this lady (save for a bad case of obesity) but I call for it anyway. Then she complains that we don't have motorized wheelchairs. There is seriously nothing wrong with this lady!! She's just fat and lazy!! People do this allll the time. One time this lady came in with like a hundred children and got a wheelchair from us and made her kids push her. They were like 6. If you're obese and you're obviously making an effort to stay that way I have no sympathy for you.

Number 2.
This woman came in with 3 of the grossest children I have ever seen. While I was putting them though one of them sneezed and got boogers all down their face. Instead of waiting and then taking the kid to the bathroom to wipe it's fac e she wiped off the snot with her hand and then continued to hand me her debit card and touch the pin pad ALL WITH HER BOOGER HANDS!! AHHHH!! As soon as she left I lysol wiped ever inch of my work area and santized my hands like 6 times. EWWWWWWWWW. EWWWWWWWWWWWW. EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.

In other news, WINTER IS FINALLY OVER! Shorts every day till October, suckas! Bike rides all the time!!!

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