
..Another tale of Edmonton Transit

It was really cold out this morning. I usually walk to work but the museum is just far enough away that I really didn't feel like it today. The bus was late, of course....
About half-way through my 8 minute bus ride some rummy gets on and doesn't have any money to pay and just stands there and whines until the bus driver lady let him on. Everyone was getting all annoyed because they were all late for work already.
The rummy went to take a seat and then spotted a rummy familiar whom he sat near and started a conversation with. He then proceeded to pull a bottle of Listerine out of his coat pocket and started to unscrew the lid intending to pass it to rummy #2. This guy across from them started giving him shit and then they started saying bad words to each so the bus lady stopped the bus in the middle of a god damned intersection to investigate. Upon investigation she decided that both rummys were off at the next stop, GOOD RIDDANCE! Can my bus that picked me up 10 minutes late and has only gotten further behind please start moving again? Why did she let that degenerate on without paying in the first place? Why is downtown Edmonton such a cesspool of filth? Why do I love it here so much?

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