

There is an 8 year old with a pink jewelled camera phone around her neck from the museum school program taking a picture of the mural behind my desk.
Why does an 8 year old need a cell phone for?

I got my first cell phone when I was 14, and admittedly I probably did not need one at that point. What is wrong with the world?


unicorn hugs

There is this little girl at the museum right now wearing a leash. This is something I am used to. This leash is special though. It attaches to her by a stuffed unicorn that looks like it is giving her a hug. IT IS SO CUTE. I have never been fully comfortable with the idea of kids on leashes, but this one is okay. Only because it is a unicorn. A hugging unicorn! A HUGACORN!!

I remember the first time I encountered a child on a leash. I was at Disneyland and there was this little boy in a harness leaning forward on his tippy toes while his mom pulled back ON HIS LEASH. I was appalled. I mean, really.. if you're not on the ball enough to keep track of your toddler at a theme park maybe you shouldn't take him there.


..Another tale of Edmonton Transit

It was really cold out this morning. I usually walk to work but the museum is just far enough away that I really didn't feel like it today. The bus was late, of course....
About half-way through my 8 minute bus ride some rummy gets on and doesn't have any money to pay and just stands there and whines until the bus driver lady let him on. Everyone was getting all annoyed because they were all late for work already.
The rummy went to take a seat and then spotted a rummy familiar whom he sat near and started a conversation with. He then proceeded to pull a bottle of Listerine out of his coat pocket and started to unscrew the lid intending to pass it to rummy #2. This guy across from them started giving him shit and then they started saying bad words to each so the bus lady stopped the bus in the middle of a god damned intersection to investigate. Upon investigation she decided that both rummys were off at the next stop, GOOD RIDDANCE! Can my bus that picked me up 10 minutes late and has only gotten further behind please start moving again? Why did she let that degenerate on without paying in the first place? Why is downtown Edmonton such a cesspool of filth? Why do I love it here so much?


Ode to Registry Agent Lady (a haiku)

fuck you, you douchebag
you ruined my afternoon
dirty fat-ass cunt

So today I went to replace my driver's license and the lady at the registries was such a condescending bitch. She was going out of her way to be as completely unhelpful as she possibly could. Answering all my questions with one-word answers, rolling her eyes and talking down to my like I was a complete idiot. I am soo nice to people in customer service but her attitude was soo completely uncalled for at the end of my horrendous 3 minute interaction with her I told her she was the most unpleasant person I have ever had to deal with. I kept my composure right up until that point!! Then I called her a cunt right as I was leaving.

I'm a menace!


crazy museum patrons update

We had costumed characters for our 40th birthday party last month. A dinosaur, a walking tree, a princess, butterfly, etc. They represented past exhibits in the museum, and the kids went nuts for them. We brought them back this weekend (due to popular demand!!).

Today this man was demanding we tell them to leave because his son was afraid of them. I'm sorry, your whiny brat of a son freaking out does not outwiegh the hundreds of other kids that think they are the fucking coolest. Especially the dinosaur. I love that dinosaur costume!
When we told him we couldn't do that he freaked right the fuck out and called me a bitch. This guy was nuts! Apparently he made a big scene in the cafe because Fun Allison didn't put mustard on his sandwich. And he yelled at one of the hired actresses! Jerkhole.

He was worse than this crazy family yesterday that wanted strollers for their 3 and 5 year old children. Seriously. I'm sorry sir, your kids are too big. If they really have that much trouble walking maybe you should ask for a wheelchair. Yeeeeesh.


settling down

I moved four times in 2007. I moved from White Rock to Onoway. From Onoway to Edmonton. Downtown to Old Strathcona.. now I'm back downtown.
2008 is my year of staying put. I've always been the kind of person to bounce around. I like change, freshness. I'm so sick of living out of a suitcase, not knowing where any of my things are because half of my belongings are in storage and a bunch of stuff is still in my old apartment.
I haven't felt at home where I lived since Delain and I had our apartment.

I just want to paint and put up shelves and have some sense of permanence!