

It sounds a little crazy, but I'm pretty sure the guy at the computer next to me deleted my essay and shut off my computer while I was making myself a drink. I'm smart enough to save my work as I go along, and I KNOW I saved it to the desktop before I got up. When I came back a few minutes later the screen was black so I figure, oh well, the computer went into stand-by. I wiggled the mouse and hit the keyboard a couple of times, and he sort of smirks this evil smirk in my direction as I realize it's off and reach for the power button. Then I saw that the file was missing from the desktop!! ARGG!! Luckily I wrote it out in my notebook before I typed it so not all my work is gone. I did make some revisions that I'm angry to have lost. FUCKER. He totally did too. Why would someone do it? The worst part is he's still sitting next to me. I was careful not to let panic creep up on my face as to not give him the satisfaction.. BUT NOW I WANT TO POUR MY STEAMING HOT AMERICANO ALL OVER HIS LAP. And I will if he doesn't stop making these annoying lip smacking noises to beat of the music.

Otherwise, I am feeling pretty good about getting the paper done. It has been hanging over my head for a while now. I had a pretty exciting week, which I will go into after I eat some pizza.

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