

I really don't like my new job guys.

It's so discouraging trying to serve people who don't even care to eat or drink. Who would rather you just quit walking by and not ask them if they want anything while they are watching the races. Apparently things (including tips) get better once you get to know the regulars.. but I look at these people and I have no desire to. They're losers!! I feel bad saying that, but they are!! They sit there all day, most of them dont even have anything to drink let alone eat (not even water!) and they stare at the screens. And make stupid piles of paper everywhere. Get mad when you try to clean up after their sorry asses. Occasionally order a coffee or a pop (rarely) and don't even tip a quarter.

I have to find another job, I am wayyy too broke to quit until I do. BaHHH!!

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