
general safety notice to children of bad parents

It really bothers me when I hear parents arguing with their small children over semantics. Yeah, sure.. you want your children to learn to speak properly. But often times you are being the worst kind of grammar nazi, the kind that preys upon toddlers. You should just be glad they can form sentences.

I was in the museum cafe today and there was a small child rining the callbell over and over while the mother did nothing. This is the same child who refused to say please or thank you for their hand stamp earlier in the day. (I have a thing where I wont stamp a childs hands if they can't ask using their words..and their manners.. banging your hand on my desk yelling "STAMP! STAMP!" certainly doesn't qualify.)
...ANYWAY!!! Realizing the mother isn't going to do anything I slid the bell over where he couldn't reach. He then practically climbed up on me to get to it so I cupped my hand over it so it wouldn't make any noise. The kid just looked at me like I had ripped a lollipop out of mouth and stomped on it. I told him people liked to eat their lunches in peace, his mom pretended nothing was happening.


Please do not let your children run around like terrors. I can not say I will always be able to keep myself from smacking them, it's safer if they do not tempt me.

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