
The cat thing..

Sorry to leave you hanging like that. There was indeed a stray cat underneath my couch. In fact, it stayed overnight!! I could not get the fucking thing out. How did it get in at all you ask? I LET IT. I got home one night, a little tipsy, and the thing was meowing at my window. It looked so cute and sweet and my judgement not being as sharp as usual I let it in and fed it and it proceeded to get schizo on me and freak out whenever I tried to pick it up to put it back outside. I eventually grew tired of chasing it out from under various pieces of furniture and went to bed. There was no sign of him the next day and I thought the coast was clear.. UNTIL I SAW HIM IN MY ROOMMATES BEDROOM!! But this time I had help. We chased him with hockey sticks and whatever else we had handy until he finally ran out the window. The best part? THE CAT STALKED US FOR DAYS AFTERWARDS!! Cried at our windows, followed us around the neighbourhood, etc etc.. It's been a few days though and no sign of him so perhaps he has moved on to newer victims.

Sarah just spent 9 days here and it just made me super anxious to move to BC. Getting to see the Decemberists in November is just another exciting bit to it. I'm thinking about going to see the Silver Jews in Seattle in September too, but I'll still just be settling in so I don't know how realistic that would be.

Last night we had a sex toy party at our apartment and hilarity ensued. Watching Jon on all fours being done from behin by Michael with the help of a support strap is an image permanently burnt into my mind.

I'm pretty sure if I carry on the way I have all summer I'll kill myself before it's through, so I'm taking a week off from the shenanigans. I'll be in fine shape again for the long weekend. All I want to do this week is read my library books and squeeze in a band practice or two. A Watfor/Watfiv reunion show is upon us.

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