
#1 Single

Next random person to call me Lisa Loeb gets a punch in the throat.


So fun, in the August sun..

I made it safely guys!!!
This is the first time I've used a computer with 2 screens, can someone explain the point to me??

We move in to our new place on Friday, for now we're staying in my uncles trailer in some rv park. This is the trailer we used to go camping in at Shuswap lake when I was younger. Last night it was raining and the rain made a neat sound on the tin roof of the trailer and I say 'Wow this feels like camping.' Then my cousin was like..
"Yeah it's fun for the first few days but then it just feels like you live in a trailer park."

Well I'm at a friends in Cloverdale listening to Pavement and drinking wine so I am off.


silent little panic attack

The past week I have enjoyed talking to my friends in BC and being like "Well, I have to go, but I'll see you in a few days!"

It actually doesn't even feel like I'm going anywhere even though I already locked my apartment and crawled out the window for the last time. That was my FIRST place out of my parents. This should feel more significant. I have my entire life crammed into 2 suitcases and 1 carry on.

If anything happens to my computer on it's way there I'll freak right the fuck out. Perhaps go into a state of some sort of irreversible depression.

I think I'm putting off going to bed so I can put off leaving.


sparse beards and ironic moustachios

Before tonight I had never been in a room with such a high concentration of bad facial hair.



I'm fucking dying.

I've never felt this crappy ever.


really unimpressed

I've had way to little sleeep to be woken up by my gross land lady so that someone can measure my freaking aparment. Can't this wait a few days until I'm gone?
Tonight was a night of random conversation about things from our past.
Pogs, marbles, lockers and having a crush on the red power ranger.

While I was at work today I went across the street to visit Dee while she was getting her hair done and ending up getting my haircut, while I was work. I get a very special pleasure in doing things such as this on the evil liquor corporations dime. Who passes up a free haircut anyway?


Tonight was absolutely fantastic. Work was fine, just training the new girl and trying to disguise posting on internet forums as something productive so she thinks we actually work.
After work I noticed the wine bar was still open so I popped in for a glass of Catena with Michelle since she's leaving tomorrow and I won't see her until I come back in December. Her and Tony were hanging out with a young man who is taking a sommelier course. We shut down the bar to watch Sideways, drank two bottles of wine and tried to figure out if he was gay or not. Seriously this one was BAFFLING!!
I had an aweosome time with Michelle though. I'm going to seriously miss her while I'm away.

In other news, I had my first actual biff on my longboard when I went to grab smokes. I've always been pretty lucky, I can usually bail before I COLLIDE WITH THE PAVEMENT AND DO SEVERAL BARREL ROLLS, CAUSING THE GROUP OF BUMS TO "OOOH!" ME!!
No major damage, muddy clothes and a scraped elbow. But I'll think twice now before taking that out so soon after a thunderstorm. Mud patches=bad business. Even the Mac's store guy commented.


tired vs. lazy

Right now almost every article of clothing I own is on my bed. They have been for a few days, resulting in me sleeping on the living room floor.
Before I can go to bed tonight I have to sort my clothes into 3 piles:
-Take to BC
-Leave at mommys
-Thow out

I don't even get how I managed to accumulate so much clothing over the past year. I could barely afford rent how did I buy like 100 shirts and 20 pairs a pants THAT I NEVER WEAR???

Later on I tackle another moral dilemma: which purses and shoes to bring and which to leave.

I'm tired. I want to sleep. ON MY BED.


Off to a fair start...

I feel obligated to mention that today is the first official day of the "Yo La Tengo Late-Summer Weblog Challenge".
I'm curious about what will happen while I am moving. But, that is a week away. I will worry about it then.

Spinal Pap

Last week I spent a few days at my mom's house playing Guitar Hero with my little brother. By the end of the visit I had an incredible urge to watch This Is Spinal Tap.
Also, to buy a ps2 solely for playing guitar hero.


Oh wow.

What a fucking flawless evening.

Some of my favourite quotes of the evening other than the ones spouted by Sammy J?

"Get this mutha fuckin' snake off my vagina"

"Everyone in this theatre is an internet nerd!"
"So are we!"
"But we're HOT internet nerds!"

We were the most obnoxious/awesome people in the movie theatre. Sneaking in a bottle of vanilla vodka helped though. We turned all our drinks into liquid birthday cake.

I can't even articulate how awesome I feel the rest of the summer will be.
So much to look forward to and only 9 days to squeeze it all in.



I finally figured out what my freaking username was.

I'm soo tired and kind of drunk from work (shh!) and I've been power packing for an hour or so and I basically want to die.

Take my life, please.



Oh great, I already missed a day.
I was at my mom's, and when I went to log in and post last night I realized that I not only don't know my password, I don't know my username. So after an hour or so of trying various usernames and passwords and blah blah blah.. on a very slow computer with a dial up connection.. I resigned myself to the fact that I would not be posting.
So I'm starting over. I also have to do something about my password and crap.

Today I bought my very first set of luggage ever in anticipation of my trip out west in 12 days.


In addition to the previous lessons, I would also like to add that chardonnay+vodka+gin-sleep+having to work early also do not mix. But finding out at the last minute when your boss calls to invite you to an office function that you don't have to work.. that is fantastic. Now I'm up and showered and ready for the day hours than I would be normally.

Life's little lessons..

Tonight was an awesome midnight dinner and drinking with Jill.
Speaking of Jill.. here are a few of the conclusions we have come up with recently.,

Merlot and email do not mix.

Self improvement is awesome! Avoiding embarrassment is equally as awesome!

We have both recently converted to Al Pacinoism. This was after a night of a very stoned viewing of the Devil's Advocate. I don't think I need to elaborate.

Also..After many months the waiting is nearing an end.
This weekend.
Snakes On A Mother Fucking Plane.


Every. Single. Day.

Inspired by Ben from Olde English's blog, I am going to try to post something everday.
If I have nothing interesting at all to say I will share a website, or an interesting fact, or a bit of vocab!
I wonder how long I can keep this up.

Bets, anyone?


We'll Make A Lover Of You

"Records left skipping, clothing all scattered.,,
A kiss in the kitchen, the dishes all shattered..."

I'm really pleased with the way everything in my life is going.
It's not perfect by any means, but it has so much potential!

I actually think I might even know what I do with my life, besides "There's this college in Halifax I really want to go to.."
There might actually be a plan for afterward.
I still really want to go to that school in Halifax.
In fact, I'm fucking on it.

September, 2008.. get ready for me.


Grumpy McGrumperson

People have been coming to look at your apartment almost everyday for the last week or so.
It's really fucking annoying because it's always really early but I can't help but grin when everyone compliments my furniture. That's right y'all, I got awesome taste in decor.


On the lam from the law..

So the police have been trying to track me down for some time, to issue me a court subpeona. Basically the fucker that t-boned me last November is trying to fight his ticket and I've been called as a witness. This happened in April or so and I didn't show up (I had a class!) and nothing happened after a bit so I was all like "HOMEFREE BITCHES!!"
No, they just won't stop trying.
I was merely avoiding them and pretending not to be me when I answered the phone. It was working really well! Less than 4 weeks before I leave the province!
The my cousin had to pull the "You are wasting thousands of dollars of tax payers money!! BLAH BLAH BLAH"
Why did they make me write a statement if they were just going to make me read it out loud in front of people? I HATE PUBLIC SPEAKING.
Plus, I'm going to be in White Rock during the court date!!
Now I have to call some stupid department and be put on hold forever and try to explain to them my situation. I shouldn't have answered the god damned phone.