
Back To School..

Maybe I'm the only person who feels this way..
But doesn't shopping for school supplies ROCK?
This has so far been the most exciting part of goin back to school.. spiral notebooks, mechanical pencils, fun shaped post-its..

Oh if you've never used this I suggest checking it out..
It's fun to see the music they pick out for you, whether they introduce to a great new band or you're repulsed that a computer program could ever possibly think you wanted to listen to Adema..



I'm a sucker for kitties, puppies, and baby animals in general.
And now I have found a place to quench my thirst for cute things in general..
cute overload


In All of the Jungle, No Creature is as Curious as George

Okay, I have been a big Curious George fan since I was a small small child. I used to think The Man with the Yellow Hat was my uncle. Even as an 'adult', I find monkeys to be super adorable and can NOT wait to see this movie.
I haven't 'awwed' so much during a movie trailer since Milo and Otis. I do not think Will Ferrell's voice acting, or even a soundtrack by Jack Johnson can ruin this for me.

...And On the 8th Day, God Created Weblogs

The more and more time I find myself spending on the internet, the more and more things I find that I want to share with other people..oh who am I kidding this is another way to kill some time. To the right you will see my best friend/lifemate, Sprout. The namesake of this blog!

I haven't quite figured out what sort of things I want to post about or anything.. so I guess it will seem really random and all over the place until I find my niche.